Marci Wease


Creating upscaled recycled art through welding.

Marci Wease, welder and plasma artist

Marci turns one man’s trash into someone else’s treasure.

Marci can almost always be found with gritty hands and a grease-stained face in her tiny shop in Bloomington, Indiana. She is a self-taught welder/plasma cutter specializing in working with the “junk” others no longer see value in. Marci is usually wrenching on an old Volkswagen or turning one man’s trash into someone else’s treasure. She prides herself in rescuing all the unwanted, unloved pieces of “junk” that she can, feeling it is her way of “saving the planet” one piece of junk at a time.

See Marci’s work at the Seasons Lodge “Rafters” bar in Nashville, Indiana. The “junk” guitar that hangs behind the bar countertop near the taps was one of her favorite pieces to have created. Weighing 42lbs. and rightly titled “Heavy Metal,” this piece took Marci about a month to design and build. The interesting thing is she never had to leave her shop to find more than the 100 individual pieces for her art! All that JUNK was right there in her shop, sorted neatly in bins and just waiting to be incorporated into this guitar!